Does CBD Smell?

Does CBD Smell? Exploring What CBD Oil Really Smells Like

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If you’re considering trying CBD oil but have concerns about its smell, you’re probably wondering, “Does CBD oil smell like weed?” Whether it’s due to personal preferences or worries about using CBD oil around others, you might want to get an idea of what CBD oil smells like before incorporating it into your routine. 

Let’s learn what gives cannabis its characteristic smell, how CBD oil is made, why CBD oil doesn’t necessarily smell like weed, and what CBD actually smells like. 

Woman smelling an open bottle of CBD oil.

Why Does Cannabis Smell the Way It Does?

To know if CBD oil smells like weed, it’s helpful to first understand what gives cannabis its distinctive odor. 

The main molecules responsible for the cannabis/hemp smell are terpenes. These molecules are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in many plants, not just cannabis. They contribute to aromas, flavors, and even colors in vegetation. For example, terpenes give pine trees their fresh scent and citrus fruits their zesty aroma. In cannabis, these molecules create a range of smells—herby, fruity, woody, floral, and more.

The specific terpene profile in a cannabis plant depends on its strain, how it was grown, and how it’s consumed. Some of the most common terpenes found in cannabis include:

  • Myrcene: Earthy and musky aromas.
  • Limonene: Citrusy notes.
  • Pinene: Fresh, pine-like smell.
  • Linalool: Common in lavender, it adds floral notes.

In addition to terpenes, thiols, volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), contribute to the strong odor of weed. These are organic compounds similar to alcohols but contain sulfur.

Now we know that the smell of cannabis is due to a combination of terpenes and thiols. But what about CBD oil—does it have the same smell?

How Is CBD Oil Made?

The scent of CBD oil heavily depends on how it’s made. Different extraction methods can either preserve or tone down the aromatic compounds found in the hemp plant. These are the main CBD extraction methods:

Supercritical CO2 Extraction: This process uses CO2 in a supercritical state (a mix of gas and liquid) to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from hemp. The resulting oil is pure and free of contaminants. The supercritical CO2 method typically produces a more refined oil, which may have a milder smell.

Oil Extraction (Olive Oil Method): This is one of the oldest extraction methods and can even be done at home. It’s a simpler process in which the plant and the olive oil are heated to activate the cannabinoids. This method results in a less concentrated product with a shorter shelf life. The oil extraction method often retains more of the plant’s natural smell, which can lead to a more pronounced aroma.

Liquid Solvent Extraction: This method uses solvents like ethanol or isopropyl alcohol to strip cannabinoids from the plant, and while cost-effective, this method can leave behind residues and introduce unwanted odors from the solvents themselves that might affect the smell.

Synthetic CBD: Unlike naturally extracted CBD, synthetic CBD is created in a lab and doesn’t involve plant material. As a result, synthetic CBD is usually odorless or has a neutral smell. It’s designed to mimic the effects of natural cannabinoids but lacks the aromatic compounds found in full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD products.

Hand holding a dropper above a beaker with CBD oil.

What Does CBD Oil Smell Like?

Ultimately, CBD oil smell depends on several factors, including the hemp source, extraction method, and whether it’s a full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate product. 

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil: Full-spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds found in the hemp plant. Because it retains the terpenes and other aromatic molecules, full-spectrum CBD oil is more likely to have a subtle herbal scent.

But full-spectrum CBD having odor molecules is not a bad thing—actually, it can be a good thing! It has been suggested that terpenes could play a part in promoting relaxation, stress relief, energy boosts, and even maintaining focus. Plus, the aroma won’t be anywhere near as strong as weed; it’s much more delicate and even pleasant for many users.

Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil: Broad-spectrum CBD is similar to full-spectrum but with all traces of THC removed. It still contains terpenes and other aromatic compounds, so it may have a light scent, though typically less intense than full-spectrum CBD.

CBD Isolate: Isolate is pure CBD with all other compounds removed. It’s typically odorless and tasteless, making it a good option for those who are sensitive to smells or prefer a product with no scent.

Synthetic CBD: As mentioned earlier, synthetic CBD lacks plant-based terpenes and is usually neutral in smell. 


Does CBD Oil Smell Like Weed?

Not exactly. While some full-spectrum CBD oils may have a mild earthy or herby scent, they typically don’t have the strong “weed” smell associated with marijuana.

What Can I Do to Get Rid of the Weed Smell?

If you’re concerned about any lingering weed-like smell from CBD products, there are a few steps you can take. First, ensure proper ventilation by opening windows to disperse the aroma. Air fresheners, scented candles, or essential oil diffusers can also help mask the smell. 

Storing your CBD products in airtight containers can prevent the scent from spreading. Additionally, if you’re using topical CBD products, opt for those with added essential oils that have pleasant scents, like lavender or eucalyptus.

Are There Any Other CBD Products with Pleasant Smells?

Yes! If you’re looking for CBD products with a soothing aroma, check out our CBD salves. Our CBD Salve for Relaxation features calming lavender and peppermint, while the CBD Salve for Chronic Pain includes eucalyptus for a refreshing scent. For easing tension, our CBD Salve for Tension with Clary Sage offers a relaxing fragrance. These products not only provide the potential benefits of CBD but also create a pleasant sensory experience.

Does the Smell of CBD Oil Indicate Its Quality?

The smell of CBD oil can give you some hints about its quality, but it’s not the only factor. High-quality full-spectrum CBD oil may have a rich, earthy aroma due to the presence of terpenes. However, an overly pungent or “skunky” smell could indicate poor processing or low-grade hemp. Always check lab test results and the source of the hemp to ensure you’re buying a premium product, regardless of the smell.

What Should I Do If I Don’t Like the Smell of My CBD Oil?

If the smell of your CBD oil is too strong or unpleasant, you can mix it with a flavored carrier oil like peppermint or citrus to mask the aroma. 

The Bottom Line

The answer to “Does CBD smell?” is complex and depends on many factors. Understanding what CBD oil smells like can help you choose the right product for your needs. Full-spectrum CBD oil may have a mild herbal aroma, while synthetic or isolate CBD products are generally odorless. 

For a reliable CBD experience, opt for high-quality products from trusted brands. By doing so, you’ll not only get a product with a pleasant aroma but also enjoy the full benefits of CBD. If you are ready to experience the benefits of CBD, check our selection and find the perfect CBD oil that suits your preferences.


Chen, C., Pan Z. (2021). Cannabidiol and terpenes from hemp – ingredients for future foods and processing technologies. Journal of Future Foods, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2021, 113-127. 

Sommano, S. R., Chittasupho, C., Ruksiriwanich, W., & Jantrawut, P. (2020). The Cannabis Terpenes. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(24), 5792.