Buying CBD Oil for Your Dog | A Guide
A Guide to Buying Your Dog CBD Oil
To many, our pets are part of our family. So, just like other household members, it’s natural to look for ways to boost their health and help them when they’re hurting. That's why many are considering buying CBD for their dogs.
CBD is an all-natural supplement that works well for humans – and pets. It's believed CBD interacts positively with the endocannabinoid system present in humans and animals - promoting improvements to general well-being.
The ECS is a complex system within the bodies of all mammals that helps the body’s internal processes by creating natural compounds called endocannabinoids. Science is still learning how cannabinoids work, but current research is ongoing regarding joint health, strengthen connective tissue, brain function, and stress reduction.
There are many potential benefits for both humans and pets, though we aren't here to make health claims. Making bold health claims is prohibited by the FDA. And any company doing it, is violating the law.
How CBD Works
Although certain foods and supplements interact positively with the endocannabinoid system, CBD can do much more.
CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of the compounds naturally found in hemp plants and part of the cannabis family. Once activated in the body, CBD is believed to reduce pain and inflammation.
People unfamiliar with CBD and hemp plants may be more aware of THC, another natural compound in the cannabis family. THC causes mental and physical changes and general intoxication. It provides the “high” described by people who prefer the marijuana form of cannabis.
However, commercial CBD can only contain a maximum of 0.3% THC by law, which means you never have to worry about experiencing these effects, and can legally buy it anywhere, rather than at certain dispensaries.
CBD and THC are just the beginning of the more than 100 compounds naturally found in hemp, each with different properties and behaviors.
If you hear the term ‘full-spectrum CBD’ it means you’ll find additional beneficial compounds in extracted hemp that combine to provide further benefits while interacting with the endocannabinoid system in humans and animals.
CBD for Dogs
Outside noises, like fireworks or thunderstorms, can scare even the most mellow dogs. Since they’re pack animals, pooches can also become anxious when they feel abandoned, even when you go away for a few hours.
All these feelings can cause nervous or frightened behaviors which lead to hurting themselves or others or damaging property.
Research has also shown that dogs can feel “blue” like people, which can come from a lack of exercise, a lack of social interaction or immune system problems.
Many are adding CBD products to their pets diet for its calming effects.
CBD may also provide quality of life benefits for older dogs, including those with weaker joints who may not have as much energy as they once did. Many believe CBD can boost your dogs vitality.
It isn’t just the physical either – research may suggest that your dogs mind may also benefit.
Finding the Best CBD
Not all CBD products are created equally. In some cases, it may not be as strong or you may get extra ingredients. Some companies may not fully remove contaminants from the extraction process or others may not clean their machinery correctly or use low-quality hemp or dangerous solvents.
Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a furry friend, there are things you can look for to make sure you’re getting quality CBD.
- Where the plant grew. Some hemp from China is known to be grown in soil contaminated with metals. Farmers often like hemp since it can remove and absorb toxins from the ground, but selling it can be dangerous.
- Extraction. There are different methods to extract hemp oil from the plant. One that’s considered the safest is with carbon dioxide. Using full hemp leaves and flowers also work better than stems or trimmings.
- Certificate of Analysis. While it’s easy for a grower to say “our product is clean,” customers are more likely to trust a professional third-party laboratory. Lab results can indicate THC and CBD levels plus the presence (or lack of) possible contaminants. These reports for each batch are available online by CBD producers.
- Ingredients. Many hemp-based human and pet supplements contain other items besides the plant. In some cases these can be essential oils and natural flavors which taste good. In other cases, there could be toxic solvents or stabilizers. Some items may be fine for humans but could harm pets, such as chocolate or artificial sweeteners like xylitol. A full list of ingredients can provide these details.
- Other certifications. Things like USDA Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO, and GMP certifications are great to have as well.
Pet CBD Products
Proper dosing of CBD oil for pets is vital, since a dog’s weight is much smaller than a human so they may be more sensitive to effects. A rule of thumb is 1-5 mg of CBD for every 10 pounds. Experts also suggest starting low and gradually increasing dosage to see how your pet is effected before trying larger dosages.
It's best to give CBD to dogs during meal time, including liquid CBD oil over their food. Many companies have developed CBD chews often have other natural ingredients believed to improve taste and boost their health.
CBD oil for dogs intended to help calm may often include certain types of herbs that purportedly reduce anxiety naturally, including valerian, chamomile and passion flower.
At Vitality CBD, we don't add anything like that into our products, as we believe in delivering unadulterated CBD products.
There aren't enough studies about CBD use in pets for us to feel comfortable mixing other supplements together. Also, it makes determining if CBD is right for your pet more difficult.
Pets can have adverse reactions to any number of things. Your pet may get sick to their stomach from chamomile. But you wouldn't know that and may assume it was the CBD that made them ill, when in reality, it might have been the additives that did it.
When trying any supplement for the first time, it's also recommended to try just that supplement alone. That way you can more accurately determine its effects. If there's seven different things mixed in, you won't know which is truly providing the benefits you're looking to achieve.
Consult a Veterinarian
In general, veterinarians are discouraged from recommending CBD due to federal cannabis regulations. That said, many will be happy to discuss it if the owner raises the subject first. Consulting them about dogs and CBD is often a good starting point, especially if they’re knowledgeable about your particular pets health conditions and medications.
ALWAYS, consult a licensed medical professional before giving any supplements to your pets.
About Vitality CBD™
Vitality CBD exists to provide a healthy and natural alternative to the pharmaceutical industry. We embrace charity, sustainability, quality, trustworthiness, and domestic sourcing as our core operational values. All our CBD products are grown, harvested, extracted, and bottled all in American owned and operated facilities. Vitality CBD products are certified Non-GMO, Organic, Vegan, and Gluten-Free. Take 20% off your first online order with code FT20 today!