USDA Certified Organic CBD Oil
Why Care About USDA Certified Organic CBD Oil?
When industrial hemp became legalized in 2018, CBD immediately gained in popularity as a product for many consumers. Since CBD can have many uses, more and more people have started to purchase it for themselves as well as their families. However, while its popularity has soared, this has also led to many organic CBD oil manufacturers who are substandard, potentially putting dangerous products on the market. To avoid this, it is always best that you purchase only USDA certified organic CBD oil.
What is USDA Organic Certification?
As to the specifics of this certification, it is a requirement for all businesses that deal with organic materials, and includes farmers, vendors, handlers, and processors. Once enacted, its goal is to make sure organic material, which can be but is not always limited to food, reaches consumers without the presence of dangerous materials such as contaminants or pesticides. Though the main emphasis of certification is to limit the danger to humans, it is also in place to prevent dangerous materials from finding their way into and damaging various aspects of the environment, such as ecosystems.

Why Is This Certification So Important?
When you purchase CBD oil, one thing you should always be concerned about is its quality. Should you purchase CBD oil that does not come from a certified manufacturer, the fact is you cannot be sure what the oil contains. However, since gaining USDA organic certification requires manufacturers to follow various guidelines, purchasing CBD oil that sports this certification will give you no cause to worry.
Hemp and Soil Quality
When growing hemp that will be used to manufacture CBD oil, soil quality is of the utmost importance for manufacturers. Since hemp contains a quality that makes it extremely dangerous for it to be grown in soil that contains pesticides, great care must be taken by growers. Though the hemp can filter out anything from the soil in which it is grown, chances are it may still contain traces of the pesticides it filtered out, thus making it dangerous for animals or humans to consume.

Look for the USDA Seal
When you want to purchase USDA certified organic CBD oil, always make sure you look closely at the product's label to ensure it has the USDA seal. Since many providers have currently chosen to opt-out of the lengthy certification process due to various upcoming regulations, you may not be getting what you expect from your CBD oil. Even if a label states the CBD oil is "Certified Organic" or "Organic CBD Oil," it will not be of the highest-quality unless it has the USDA seal.
Don't Lose Your Money
As more regulations come into play regarding hemp production, some manufacturers may decide too late to make the attempt to gain certification. When this happens, you may end up losing the money you spent to order various products. Since hemp will soon be barred from being grown in soil that has contained banned products within the past three years, you could be out of luck with your order.

Lab Transparency
To ensure customers that your CBD oil is of the highest quality, always emphasize lab transparency. Thus, let people know what happens in the lab, find a provider that has a registered and inspected lab, and rely on a lab that sends their products out to be inspected by a third-party lab.
In Summary
Once you take all of this into consideration and make USDA certification a top priority, you can make sure the CBD oil you purchase is pesticide-free and has been grown and manufactured by producers who prioritize safety and quality.
About Vitality CBD™
Vitality CBD exists to provide a healthy and natural alternative to the pharmaceutical industry. We embrace charity, sustainability, quality, trustworthiness, and domestic sourcing as our core operational values. All our CBD products are grown, harvested, extracted, and bottled all in American owned and operated facilities. Vitality CBD products are certified Non-GMO, Organic, Vegan, and Gluten-Free. Take 20% off your first online order with code FT20 today!