
CBD Product Labels

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information, CBD Research

How to Read CBD Product Labels The most confusing thing about choosing a CBD product might be decoding the labels. With little regulation in the still-new hemp industry, it can be hard to compare one product to another based on CBD …

Where Should I Buy CBD | Vitality CBD Products

Where Should I Buy CBD?

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information

There are many places to buy CBD. Depending upon your state laws, you can choose a marijuana or hemp dispensary near to you. Likewise, some natural health stores, drug stores, and head shops carry them as well. The easiest option is to buy your CBD online. But no matter which option you choose, we urge you to be aware of the legitimacy and quality of the products you’re buying. Read more…


What is Supercritical CO₂ Extraction?

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information

Supercritical carbon dioxide is a widely used extraction method in the hemp industry. It effectively purifies crude hemp plant material. In a supercritical state, CO2 allows the producer to remain in control of the extraction process and to isolate the specific cannabinoids we use in our products. Read more…


CBD for Pets

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information, Pets and CBD

Many people consider CBD effective for various uses in humans. Those same people have expressed interest and concern regarding the implications of CBD use for pets. Before you try giving your pet the same CBD oils you are using for yourself, there are a few things to consider. Read more…


The Various Uses of CBD Isolate Powder

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information

CBD Isolate is sold in powder and concentrated at over 99 percent pure CBD. CBD Isolates, CBD Oils, and CBD Tinctures all contain the same active ingredient, but each has specific uses. Because isolate is not “full spectrum” like many of our other products, it does not contain plant materials, fatty acids, terpenes, or other cannabinoids. Read more…

CBD Dosage Guide for Beginners

CBD Dosage Guide for Beginners

vitalitycbdCBD Information, CBD Product Information, CBD Research

Only government entities can legally state what constitutes a “recommended daily allowance”. Understanding that, today’s cannabinoid industry insiders have anecdotal knowledge regarding recommended CBD dosing guidelines. utilizing their input, and the input of numerous competitors, we’ve assembled an expert set of CBD dosage recommendations. Read more…