How Long Before CBD Starts Working?

How Long Before CBD Starts Working?

vitalitycbdGeneral News

Are you excited to see the benefits of CBD products? Perhaps you’ve learned about the potential benefits of CBD oils, found a product you are interested in and are ready to buy it. How long will it actually take for you to see those benefits? Read more…

Buying CBD in NY: What You Need to Know

Buying CBD in NY: What to Know

vitalitycbdGeneral News

Laws are often changing, and that can make it hard to know if you can buy hemp in NY and whether or not CBD in NY is available. We provide some basic information here to use as a guide. Be sure to check on these rules to see if they have been updated over time. Read more…

Don’t Buy CBD or Hemp Products on Amazon

Don’t Buy CBD Products on Amazon

vitalitycbdGeneral News

For many people, buying what they need from Amazon seems like the best thing to do. There are things that are good to buy here – such as books or your favorite electronics products. However, it’s not the place to buy CBD or hemp products though. Read more…

Why do people use CBD oil?

Why do people use CBD oil?

vitalitycbdCBD Research

Talk to ten different people and you’ll likely get ten different opinions on CBD products. However, despite all of the chatter, no one truly knows, as a fact, what CBD can and cannot do for them. Read more…

Does CBD Cause Failed Drug Tests?

Will CBD Cause Failed Drug Tests?

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information

Many people out there want to try various CBD products, but they are worried about the potential impact on drug tests. Consumers are concerned that their popular cannabinoid will cause problems when it comes to their jobs. Many employers conduct various types of tests randomly among their employees. Read more…

Cannabinoids and The Endocannabinoid System

Cannabinoids and The ECS

vitalitycbdCBD Research

The discovery of the effects of cannabinoids on the endocannabinoid systems of both pets and people are gaining the attention of researchers worldwide. But what are cannabinoids, and what is the endocannabinoid system Read more…

How Will CBD Oil Make Me Feel?

How Will CBD Oil Make Me Feel?

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information

People are talking about CBD oil more readily than ever before. It sounds like it is an excellent tool for all sorts of improvements. You are curious, though, about what it will do to you and how it will make you feel. The more information you have about what CBD oil is and how it works, the better. Read more…

Should I Combine Different CBD Products?

Should I Combine Different CBD Products?

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information

CBD has become a nation-wide phenomenon, so much so that it’s being referenced everywhere from TV shows to casual conversation. But the actual facts of CBD aren’t always as straightforward as many people would like. Clear-cut answers are hard to come by, which is why it can be difficult to choose one brand let alone one product. Many ask if they can combine different CBD products, and we answer, yes, you can. Read more…

Differences in CBD Oil Potency Levels

Differences in CBD Oil Potency Levels

vitalitycbdCBD Product Information

You should always consult your doctor before taking any CBD dosing. Especially, if you are taking medications or if you have allergies. There is a possibility that CBD oil can conflict with certain medications or cause allergic reactions in a small handful of people. That said, we have written this article to help you understand the differences in CBD potency levels. Read more…