bottle of full-spectrum CBD oil

Full Spectrum CBD Products: What You Need to Know

Vitality CBDGeneral News

In recent years, CBD has gained popularity in many industries, including the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industry, among others.  That being said, it’s still a somewhat new product that many people are still learning about.  What many people don’t know …

improving quality of sleep with CBD

Improve Your Quality of Sleep with CBD

Vitality CBDGeneral News

One of the reasons why Vitality was created was to provide a natural and healthy alternative to the pharmaceutical industry.  Of the many benefits that CBD offers, we believe that improving sleep is one of the most important.  To better …

how CBD helps relieve anxiety

How CBD Helps Relieve Anxiety 

Vitality CBDCBD Research

Anxiety is the mind and body’s response to stressful or dangerous situations.  Although anxiety can help us stay aware in unfamiliar situations, many people deal with anxiety disorders in their everyday life, which can result in an overwhelming worry in …

Facts You Need to Know about Delta 8 Shatter

Facts You Need to Know about Delta 8 Shatter

Sam AHemp Information

Many consumers nowadays look for legal alternatives to cannabis for a range of purposes. For example, CBD products have become exceptionally popular over the past few years, especially as they allow users to consume cannabinoids without getting high. However, those …

How CBD Salves Can Help Ease Chronic Pain

How CBD Salves Can Help Ease Chronic Pain

vitalitycbdGeneral News

If you’re looking for cannabinoid-based products that won’t get you high, then CBD products are perfect for you. CBD is a safe and non-psychoactive compound that can be used in various ways for a vast range of purposes. While some …