Buy CBD Online During COVID-19
Stop Stressing | Buy CBD Online
Vitality CBD's Web Store is Open for BusinessAs everyone knows, and is experiencing the life altering effects of, the COVID-19 outbreak has changed daily life for all of us. The entire world is now a place chock full of stressful situations. With more and more people succumbing to illness every day and stay-at-home orders in effect, it's starting to feel a little like a disaster movie. We can't socialize with friends, we can't go to the store without a mask, gloves, and a virus-fueled state of high anxiety. While many news agencies are reporting spikes in cigarette, alcohol, and prescription drug purchases as people scramble to reduce their stress levels. Most of those things reduce your bodies natural ability to fight disease, and lead to increased stress. Our recommendation? Stay home. Buy CBD Online.
While some are raging against the stay at home orders. They are their for the safety of the most vulnerable members of society. The old, the infirm, and the immunosuppressed. You can do your part to keep them alive and well by doing all your shopping online. Whether your buying CBD online, or your groceries, it will reduce the stresses associated with public shopping. Do you even have a large enough supply of face masks to be out in public? Most people don't.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, primarily referred to as CBD, is substance found in both cannabis and hemp plants. THC has high concentrations in marijuana plans, while CBD has high concentrations in hemp plants. Both substances have extremely different effects when consumed by individuals.
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, produces the intoxicating "high" that originally got it banned nationwide as a controlled substance. Unlike THC, CBD does intoxicate users, and results in zero "high".
You can buy CBD online, sourced from federally legal industrial hemp, from the Vitality CBD web store. Unlike THC products, or CBD products sourced from marijuana plants which are still illegal in most states.

How May CBD Affect My Mood?
We cannot say CBD reduces stress, as doing so would violate the FDA's DSHEA mandate. If you shop online with any company that definitely states what CBD will do for your physical and mental health they are breaking the law. We adhere to all federal, state, and local regulations, and advise you only buy CBD online from other companies that obey the law. While we are not a medical organization, and legally prohibited from making any health claims, many CBD users report reductions in anxiety and increased relaxation.
All that said, it is currently believed that THC and CBD work within your body's endocannabinoid system. The human body possesses receptors that can be found in various locations throughout the body. Many also believe those same receptors are responsible for regulating many bodily processes. Processes like mood, stress, hunger, and alertness. Scientists named these receptors CB1 and CB2. Studies are ongoing, but research may suggest that CBD also binds to the 5-HT1A receptor - another receptor that may play a significant role in stress response. But again, these are all studies that have NOT proven anything definitely in the eyes of the FDA, so we cannot report them as fact.
Reduce Stress During COVID-19 with Online Shopping
We can legally tell you that there are many ways buying your CBD online can reduce stress and anxiety.
- It's online shopping
- No need for social distancing in your own home
- No need to shop in masks and gloves
- We are following strict safety procedures
- CBD is less expensive online
- You save money, with discount codes like VIT20
So regardless of the purported effects you may experience after taking CBD, you're already living a less stressful life when you buy online. And when you buy discounted CBD products, it makes trying out CBD less stressful as your experiment with CBD's effects won't impact your wallet as heavily as when shopping in person. Saving money always reduces stress in our book.
Experimenting with CBD During COVID-19
With a crazy amount of CBD products on the market today, it can be extremely difficult for first-time CBD users to know which CBD products buy. During a crisis concentrating on all the vast articles with hard to digest commentaries can make this even harder. We can help your CBD experimentation do a bit easier with the information below:
Many of our potential first-time customers, ask questions like:
Should I buy a topical CBD salve?
- Of course, especially if you're trying to rub it onto a specific area of your body. Ingesting CBD affects your entire body and mind. Using topical CBD products helps target a specific area.
Are CBD oils more effective than CBD salves?
- In general, yes, they are more effective. Your body absorbs substances that are ingested more readily than those that are applied topically. But if you're not trying to affect your whole person (body and mind), then stick to the topical CBD salves.
Is organic CBD better than regular CBD?
- This is a personal preference mixed with a bit of science. Organic CBD products aren't grown with synthetic fertilizers, growth hormones, and other substances used to accelerate farming operations. Organic products are Non-GMO and are perceived to be healthier than products made with questionable chemical cocktails.
Can I mix CBD oil into my food?
- The simple answer, yes. You can mix CBD into any food you like.
Should I even mix CBD into my food?
- It depends on the food. Remember that CBD Oil is oil. Which means it resistant to mixing into water-based foods. So if you put it on your soup, it will float around on top. Maybe you like that, but it's something to consider. If you want your CBD products to mix into beverages like juices or cocktails, you'll need to buy a water-soluble CBD product.
How would I usually take CBD oils?
- You generally take CBD oil orally. You just put it under you tongue, hold it anywhere from 10 to 60 seconds, and then swallow. If you don't like the taste of hemp, you can swallow it quickly, but it will take longer to absorb into your body.
Do you have CBD dosing recommendations?
- While our bottles come with general instructions on dosing, it's impossible to fit all the recommendations on a product label or box. Because of that, we published a separate article with CBD Dosing Recommendations.
How do I know if CBD is working?
- You'll know. Generally you'll feel CBD's effects in as little as 15 minutes, or as long as an hour. If you haven't felt any noticeable changes after an hour, it means that you didn't take enough.
Can I vape your CBD products?
- No, we do not sell vape products. Mainly because they are not healthy and go against our core mission. Vaping our CBD oils will damage your lungs even more than CBD products made for vaping.
We get asked those questions and countless others all the time. And as experts in CBD, we do our best to answer all the ones we can legally answer. We've assembled a huge CBD product FAQ Page that seeks to answer all the questions above and so many more.
We always want to help keep consumers as informed as possible while you experiment with CBD, especially during COVID-19 quarantines.
USDA Certified Organic by Eco-Cert
USDA Organic Certifications ensure consistent growing and manufacturing practices throughout all industries, including industrial hemp farming. The US Dept. of Agriculture utilizes third-party organizations like Eco-Cert to evaluate farms as well as extraction and bottling facilities. They ensure no inorganic elements make it into the final product. The USDA Organic seal is only available to organizations that meet their strict standards.
About Vitality CBD™
We founded Vitality CBD to provide a healthy and natural alternative to the pharmaceutical industry. We work the values of charity, sustainability, quality, trustworthiness, and domestic sourcing into all our core operations. Vitality CBD grows, harvests, extracts, and bottles all our CBD products in American owned and operated facilities. Vitality CBD products received Non-GMO, Organic, Vegan, and Gluten-Free certifications.
Ready to Experiment with CBD? Take 20% off your first online order with code FT20 today!